
Fitstop Melville

Fitstop Melville 

Fitstop Melville is a health and wellness centre. Our client’s goal was to open up the first Fitstop in Western Australia. 

Because of this, their fitout needed to communicate to their customers that their health and wellness centre is: new, equipped, and all-inclusive.

We had worked with this client in the past on another project, and because of our reliability, professionalism, and high-quality fitouts, we were asked to come back to work on Fitspot Melville. 


The Challenge We Faced

When Office Fitout Professionals accepted this job, Fitspot Melville already had a concrete opening date, booked with radio air time, advertisements, and offers. This gave us a short, but strict timeline that we had to adhere to. Finishing after the grand opening was not an option. 

We were also told by the local council, after we had finished our work, that the signage on the front of the building was not compliant. Despite not being included in the building permits or applications, it did not matter. We had to fix this problem and make sure it was done before Fitstop Melville opened.


Our Solution To The Challenge We Faced 

Because of the due date, Office Fitout Professionals had to push-on hard with this project, making sure we didn’t compromise our build quality for speed. 

As with every project, we try to get it done in time of the deadline, which we managed to achieve with Fitstop Melville. Luckily we did, because the early finish gave us enough time to fix make sure the signage at the front of the building complied with the local council. 

Thanks to the timely finish, Office Fitout Professionals and Fitstop Melville were well and truly ready for their grand opening ahead of schedule!   


How We Completed This Office Fitout 

Fitstop Melville already had a design for their space, and they knew what they wanted. This helped speed up our process a lot. Tradies and contractors were able to meet on site with a clear vision of what needed to be done. These sorts of fitouts are always very efficient. 

Once the designs had been checked off and measured by our tradespeople, they were sent to council to be approved. 

After approval, which was an easy and stress-free step, we got straight into demolition and worked everyday so that we could make sure the client’s deadline was met. 



As you would be able to see from the photos, the client, as well as us, are extremely happy with the final outcome of this project. Helping to deliver the first Fitstop in all of WA was something we are very proud of.

Between the client coming to us prepared with designs, and our assertiveness to get the project finished, it was a friendly and pleasant experience on both sides. 

We have continued to build Fitstop locations around Perth and we will continue to help this client in any way that we can.